- Chemical Physical plants - series SEDFLOC
- Sedimentation Treatment plants "by batch" - series WE
- Filtering plants - series FC, FQC, FR
- Demineralization plants - series DWE
- Oil-Water Separating plants - series DS
- Vacuum Concentrators plants - series WEVAP
- Flotation plants - series SKIMMERFLOT
- Sludge Treatment plants - series DRENA
- Product Dosing systems
- Membrane Demineralization plants - Osmosis plants - series WO
- Floatings
Filtering plants - series FC, FQC, FR
The technical team of Water Energy manufactures mineral-type treatment plants, of the series FQC, designed and developed for treatment of wastewater.
The most common minerals used by our plants are:
- siliceous quartz with varying granulometry for retaining sludge, sand, algae and suitable to clarify water;
- active carbons to retain solvents, surfactants, flavors, odors, colors, and other substances that pollute the water;
The filtering FQC filters can be equipped with:
- vertical filtration units on quartz bed, consisting of layered beds of natural quartzite in different granulometry so as to obtain a filter bed porosity of at least 50% of the unit volume, for the initial clarification of water from industrial treatments, batch treatment plants, and chemical-physical plants;
- vertical filtration unit consisting of granular adsorbent charcoal bed capable of obtaining very high flow rates even with high turbidity. Active carbon filters are particularly suitable for the removal of pigments in solution, organic contaminants, organic solvents, reduction of B.O.D., C.O.D., chlorides, phenols, odors, soaps and surfactants etc;
- vertical filtration unit consisting of pyrolusite bed (manganese dioxide) for removal of iron and manganese. These units are used in primary or different water treatment processes thanks to the oxidative priming phase of pyrolusite, promoting oxidation of ferrous ion. Concerning manganese removal, it is possible to intervene by two types of processes: (a) oxidative, in the absence of precloration but it is necessary to regenerate pyrolusite by using chlorinated water during counterflow washing; (b) catalytic, by preclorating the water to be treated:
- zeolite vertical vertical filtration units for ionic exchange of species such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. These minerals have an alumina silicate based structure with cations trapped within cavities. Zeolites represent a class of molecular strainers with greater selectivity than, for example, activated carbon or silica, which have irregular cavities. Another pollutant separating system is based on ionic exchange, a chemical-physical process consisting in the exchange of cations contained within the crystalline structure with ions present in solution which have electrostatic dimensions and properties compatible with the structure within which they enter. For example, natural zeolites containing Na+ or K+ cations are able to exchange ionic species such as Ca2+ and Mg2+.
Water Energy supplies ad hoc plants based on the characteristic of the water to be treated and on the needs of each customer.
Each plant can be installed on stainless steel AISI 304 SKID, with metal or fiberglass carpentry filtration columns, depending on the needs. All fittings and piping are made of PVC plastic material with PN16 pressure resistance.
On request, the systems can be equipped with pressurized units of the filter columns by means of an external pump installed directly on the skid.